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    • 10/07/2024 - UPTO Treasurer Introduction

      Greetings UPTO Brothers and Sisters,

      It is with great pleasure that I announce that Andy Michel has been approved by the Executive Board to fill the vacant Treasurer position.

      Andy is a Senior Power Plant Operator and has been an UPTO member for 24 years.  He has been an operator at Chief Joseph Dam, Bonneville Lock and Dam, McNary Lock and Dam, and is currently at Ice Harbor Lock and Dam.  His experience as an operator throughout the Division, an UPTO alternate Rep at Ice Harbor, and his experience as an HECP Committee member makes him an excellent choice to fill this important role on the Executive Board.

      Andy will officially start on October 15th, 2024.

      10/03/2024 - UPTO President Introduction 

      Greetings UPTO Brothers and Sisters, I thought I would take some time to introduce myself and give a few updates to the current events pertaining to the UPTO E-board. My name is Jake Chambers and I am a J Grade WIC at Albeni Falls Dam in Oldtown, ID. A project in the Seattle District. I have worked for USACE for over 24 years. I went through the training program at Chief Joseph Dam from 2000 to 2003 after graduating from Spokane Community College with a degree in Industrial Electrical Maintenance. After finishing the training program, I spent the next 5 years as a Journeyman Electrician at Chief Joseph Dam until 2008 when I transferred to Albeni Falls Dam. During my time here at Albeni Falls Dam I have worked my way up to I grade WIC and now to the J grade WIC position which I currently hold.

      My UPTO experience is varied. During the last 20 years, since completing the Training Program, I have been an Alternate Project Rep, a Project Rep, the Seattle District VP, and then the Treasurer from 2017 until present day. I have served on many committees, I&I bargaining teams, and was a member of the last contract negotiation team.
      Personally, I like the outdoors mostly. Golf and fishing are by far my favorite activities, and what I usually gravitate towards when I am not driving my teenage daughters all over the place for their activities.
      With that out of the way, I want to talk about a few current events concerning the UPTO E-board:
      1. Regarding the Presidential vacancy. John Pielli communicated to the E-board on September 3rd that he would be resigning at the end of September. In accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws (which we are legally obligated to adhere to) the E-board nominated and selected me to fill the position until the next election. For awareness, that decision was not finalized until September 30th, when John Pielli announced that to the membership. In hindsight, there were some missteps in the
      messaging of the situation to the membership. Please keep in mind that this was the first time that I am aware of a Presidency position being vacated in the middle of a term. Rest assured the messaging has been a learning experience for all of us. I would like to apologize for any angst that it may have caused.
      2. Regarding the Treasurer position that is now vacated by me stepping into the role of the President, that position will also be filled in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws (again, which we are legally obligated to adhere to). There will be more to come on this topic as nothing has happened to date. For continuity of operations, I will continue to fulfill those duties for the time being. I am required by the Constitution and Bylaws to nominate someone to fill that position within 60 days, and then the E-board will vote to approve that nomination before they officially start.
      Also, I would like to talk about the Facebook page that we use for relaying information. I would ask that everyone try and keep the dialogue as civil as can be. We do have guidelines and I would appreciate if everyone would review those. Facebook as well has guidelines that, if not adhered to, may jeopardize this valuable source of communication. The page is meant to be used for relaying information and, hopefully, used by the members to share cool and unique things about what we do in our work throughout the Division. I would encourage people to share things that might be interesting to others in their day-to-day activities as well as any other topics of concern that might be interesting as it relates to our jobs as Federal employees as well.
      In closing, I look forward to representing UPTO as we move forward into the future. Do not hesitate to contact your local reps with any issues you may have. I will be making a concerted effort to keep the lines of communication open and to relay pertinent information in a timely manner.
      In Solidarity,
      Jake Chambers

      9/30/2024 - It is with great reluctance that I submitted my resignation as President of UPTO. My career path is taking

      me away from USACE and UPTO represented projects.

      The past several years serving on the E-Board as the Willamette Valley Vice President and UPTO

      President has been a highlight of my career. In accordance with our Constitution and Bylaws the

      Executive Board elected Mr. Jake Chambers to serve as President until the next scheduled election in


      I appreciate the opportunities I have been given during my time serving the Bargaining Unit Members of


      It has been a pleasure working with you,

      - John Pielli


      8/21/2024 New pay scale - please see our WAGES link. I will post the 2023 scale as soon as I get it from DCPAS. They said we are getting retro pay from 2023 and 2024.

      8/8/2024 - Mark Wall, The Dalles, is no longer able to work because of chronic back problems. The agency is applying him for disability retirement. Meanwhile, Mark has no income at all. He has exhausted all of his advanced leave and has been placed in the leave donation program. Anyone who wishes to help him out, can donate leave to him.

      8/6/24 - Wage and Salary have the final BPA numbers for 2023 and 2024 (with retroactive dates). They are working on our numbers now.

      5/20/2024 - New wage schedule is available on the WAGES page.

      4/27/24 - The wage survey for 2024 has begun. Requests have been sent out and we are waiting on response from BPA and BOR. Will forward results asap.

      4/09/24 - From Wage and Salary - "Yes, there is one utility that BPA is still waiting on negotiations. I can adjust our schedules to “final” pay once I receive BPA’s effective dates of pay AND if its retroactive, but I’ve been told it could still be several months as they are waiting on this one utility."

      1/30/24 - Our Annual Project Rep Training, will be on April 10 & 11 ~ 2024 (General Meeting: April 12) - Location: Holiday Inn Richland on the River, 802 George Washington Way, Richland, WA 99352

      Reps: Please submit an official time request to your supervisor (on our website). Please let me know if you are attending and what day you will arrive (if you need a hotel room).  

      Operator Reps: Please adjust your schedule, as the agency will pay for your time at training.

      All members are welcome to attend the General Meeting April 12 @ 0800.

      Any member in good standing may propose additional provisions or amendments to the UPTO Constitution or Bylaws. Proposals should be submitted to the UPTO Secretary, uptosecretary@yahoo.com by 2/29/24 , so they may be published with the General Meeting agenda prior to the meeting. This gives the members a chance to talk to their reps about the proposals. Proposed Constitutional amendments or additions must include the name of the person making the proposal, the number and wording of the article in the UPTO Constitution or Bylaws, the proposed new wording of the article, and an explanation of the need for the proposed amendment or additional provision. Complete rules and procedures may be found in the UPTO Constitution and Bylaws

      UPTO/Claud Leinbach Scholarship 2023-2024

      Congratulations to the UPTO/Claud Leinbach Scholarship winners for 2023-2024! 

      This year's winners are Spencer Jolly, Zoe Fair, and Piper Keegan. Students will each receive $2000 during their first year of college or trade school. They will also receive an award plaque presented by their District VP, (or designated representative). We would like to thank all of the students who applied and we wish them the best in their future education and careers.

      10/17/23 - For anyone who has not heard we lost a friend and brother on Thursday evening. Gary Rutledge, his wife Michelle and their two kids Ryan and Kate were involved in a head-on collision taking all four of their lives. Gary has been a valued member of UPTO and the larger Corps family for many years, from his time at the Willamette Locks and then Bonneville Dam. Gary and his family had a positive impact on everyone they touched and we keep anyone who knew them in our thoughts and prayers during this time. UPTO is reaching out to his extended family to offer our support and will keep everyone as informed as possible as information becomes available. We are working with the Agency to offer support to all our members as well through the CISMR team and EAP. Please remember that everyone grieves in different ways and it may hit you at an unexpected time. Keep yourselves safe and look out for each other during this difficult time. - Jon Pielli

      10/16/23 - From Wage and Salary - "I checked with BPA in September and they are still waiting on one utility. We will update the schedule if a new increase provided is retroactive before May 21, 2023."

      8/8/23 - NBC Article about OWCP with UPTO members.

      11/28/2022 - Contract Ratification Results

        Election Results for UPTO Contract Ratification Revote 2022
        Started at: November 13, 2022 at 6:00pm
        Finished at: November 23, 2022 at 6:00pm
        Time zone: Pacific Time (US & Canada)

        149 of 347 ballots cast. 1 spoiled.

              Ratify the  contract yes or no: UPTO Contract Ratification Revote 2022:
                Yes - I approve to ratify the new contract: 103 votes 69.13%
                No - I do not approve to ratify the new contract: 46 votes 30.87%

              Yes - I approve to ratify the new contract wins  with 69.13% of the vote.
                Votes tallied: 149

      11/16/2022 - United Power Trades Organization - Officer and Project Rep Training: February 8 & 9, 2023 - General Meeting and Nominations: February 10, 2023 @ 0800 - Location: Graduate Eugene Hotel- 66 E 6th Ave, Eugene, OR 97401

      All UPTO members in good standing are eligible to nominate candidates for UPTO offices. Eligibility for office, (in accordance with the UPTO Constitution) is membership in good standing for a continuous period of one (1) year immediately preceding the election. Any member in good standing may propose additional provisions or amendments to the UPTO Constitution or Bylaws. Proposals should be submitted to the UPTO Secretary, uptosecretary@yahoo.com by 31 December 2022, so they may be published with the General Meeting agenda prior to the meeting. This gives the members a chance to talk to their reps about the proposals. Proposed Constitutional amendments or additions must include the name of the person making the proposal, the number and wording of the article in the UPTO Constitution or Bylaws, the proposed new wording of the article, and an explanation of the need for the proposed amendment or additional provision. Complete rules and procedures may be found in the UPTO Constitution and Bylaws.

      Contract Ratification Revote Information

      11/12/2022 - Please see the CONTRACT/CBA Link: https://www.unitedpowertrades.org/index.cfm?zone=/unionactive/Contract.cfm to review the post-mediation draft of the contract (UPTO CBA 7 Nov 2022 (Post Mediation Draft).  A ratification vote by the membership will occur from November 13th to November 23rd, 2022.

      We are conducting a revote to ratify the newest version of the contract.  The contract that was ratified  by the membership in May of 2022 was rejected by Agency Head Review.  Therefore, we are conducting a revote on the newest version of the contract that was changed after further negotiation and mediation.  Ballots will be sent via email and SMS (text message) to the information on file.  If you do not receive a ballot, please contact your local rep so that we can collect updated information and send you a ballot.

      10/01/2022 Please see the Scholarship information page if you have a senior this year who qualifies.

      8/10/22 The final pay adjustment for 2022 has been added to the wages page.

      7/1/22 - Jack Heffling - I'm sad to announce the death of one of our UPTO brothers, Eric Engle from Dworshak. What I know at this time is that he was found in the diversion tunnel that he had been sent to clean the previous day. This after he didn't show up for work though his vehicle was parked at the project. There will be two investigations started at the same time, one by the HQ Safety Office and another by Col. Dorf from Division who is currently acting for Col. Van Epps. I've been told that employees will be brought in to the project on Saturday for questioning. Without knowing any of the details, this would on the surface seem to be a failure of management. However, I will be going to Dworshak myself to represent our members.

      6/18/22 Protecting the Snake River Dams

      5/20/22 - New pay schedule is up. Please click here for details.

      5/16/22 - Election Results for UPTO Contract Ratification Vote 2022 - Started at: May 5, 2022 at 8:00pm Finished at: May 15, 2022 at 6:00pm Time zone: Pacific Time (US & Canada) 149 of 352 ballots cast. 1 spoiled. Ratify the contract yes or no: UPTO Contract Ratification Vote 2022 * Yes - I approve to ratify the new contract: 125 votes (83.9%) No - I do not approve to ratify the new contract: 24 votes (16.1%) Yes - I approve to ratify the new contract wins with 83.9% of the vote. Votes tallied: 149

      4/13/22 - Annual Union training is underway in Lewiston Idaho. Active comments/questions for our attorney are being made on UPTO Facebook page. You can also email/text a question to any of your reps or officers. 

      1/4/2022 - Announcing the 2022 Training & General Meeting - Date & Time: April 13-15 @ 0800, Location: Hells Canyon Grand Hotel, 621 21st Street, Lewiston, ID 83501Any member in good standing may propose provisions or amendments to the UPTO Constitution or Bylaws. Proposals must be submitted to the UPTO Secretary, uptosecretary@yahoo.com by Feb 28, 2022 so they may be published with the General Meeting agenda 30 days prior to the meeting as required by our UPTO Constitution. Proposed Constitutional amendments or additions must include the name of the person making the proposal, the number and wording of the old article in the UPTO Constitution or Bylaws, the proposed new wording of the article, and an explanation of the need for the proposed amendment or additional provision.

      To be continued with booking and agenda info …

      11/4/2021 - The new vaccine mandate agreement is available in the negotiated agreements page. Also, there is a new private page for comments from our President (top menu tab). The UPTO Facebook page is pretty active with questions and answers.

      10/19/2021 - Vaccine - We did get additional DoD guidance today though we still don't have Army or HQ guidance. Supervisors should not be asking for proof of vaccinations or exception applications at this time. If any do, let me know and I'll make sure that is addressed.

      10/18/2021 - Vaccine - We will have a team meeting at The Dalles tomorrow and Wednesday, so I and I bargain the vaccine mandate. We still haven't received any guidance from the Army or USACE but we will go ahead and bargain based on the DoD guidance. If the Army or DoD subsequently issues guidance that contradicts anything we have already bargained with, we will have to re-address those subjects. Even though we have no Army/HQ guidance, we decided to go ahead and start the bargaining process since we assume something is imminent and we want to get a head start, plus any agreement must get Agency Head review before it can be finalized.

      10/8/2021 Please login and contact Ed Hodges/Walla Walla VP (Officers page) for Covid Vaccine Exemption Form guidance. He is in direct contact with our attorney on this issue.

      Click here for Religious 

      Click here for Medical 

      Additional instructions Here 

      9/29/2021 Pay Update from Eric Dehnert - NWD, HR Advisor - The processing center has been working hard prepping everything, the pay table has been loaded and the script to process the pay adjustments have flowed with a retro-active date of 23 May 2021.  They should be completed soon.  The folks that are entitled to pay retention will be processed manually, as well as manually updating DCPDS for the second salary on dual rated employees.  It is highly improbable that it will reach DFAS for pay date 07 Oct 2021, the majority of employees should see it reflected pay date 21 Oct 2021. There are quite a few corrections between the three districts, so I cannot give you a date on when those will be completed.

      9/13/2021 - Vaccine news from our UPTO President

      On Friday 9/10/2021, the UPTO Executive Board consulted with Tom Muther, our Union Attorney, regarding the covid vaccine mandate that was presented via Executive Order on 09/09/21. Executive Orders, in the view of the Federal Labor Relations Authority are statutory laws that must be obeyed. Therefore, filing grievances claiming that the mandate violates some employee right will most likely not be successful.

      However, since this is definitely a change in conditions of employment, the Union will be impact and implementation bargaining this mandate at some point. Before that can happen, our Agency (Either USACE HQ or NWD) must provide notice to the Union that they intend to implement the Executive Order. This could happen in days or it could be weeks. The previous Executive Order that required vaccinations or weekly covid testing never did get to us. The chain from EO to us is DoD, Army, USACE HQ, then finally to our Division. That usually is a slow process.

      It is the opinion of the UPTO Executive Board that it should be up to every individual whether or not they will get the vaccination. However, it would be absolutely wrong of us to tell anyone that doesn’t comply with an order to vaccinate that the Union can absolutely protect their job. In making I and I proposals, we plan to address religious freedoms, medical issues, and other possible exceptions that could require appropriate accommodation for individuals. We will also have many other proposals but some will be determined on how the guidance is written that the Agency must follow.

      Our advice for now is to take a deep breath and stay calm. At this point there is no actual mandate applicable to the employees in our Division and it may be awhile. Thank you - Jack Heffling

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